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We all have unexpected expenses. How do you manage yours?

Do you occasionally lack the money for your expected expenses?

Do you want to always have the money for your spending plan?

Let us introduce you to a new way of managing all of your finances.

The most effective way to manage finances is the envelope system. This system is the most effective for two reasons. One reason is that it gives your money purpose with a method of accountability to achieve its purpose. The other reason is that it provides a method to control the behavior of excessive overspending. The purpose of the envelope system is to help you always have money for your planned expenses.

However, the envelope system has one major drawback. It is a system based on using cash for all expenses. Good Steward, a cashless system, has the same purpose of the envelope system. It fulfills the first reason for using the envelope system. It supports the continue use of the envelope system for those items that require behavior modification. Good Steward takes the envelope system to the next level by simplifying the management required to use the envelope system.

Good Steward Financial Management Application is a personal financial management software program. It is designed to assist in the elimination of debt based on the traditional way of staying out of debt combined with the added complexity of today’s nearly cashless society. Good Steward is the only software program that maintains a mission to ensure you always have the money for your budget or spending plan. All other personal financial management tools are good at showing you where you spent your money yesterday. Good Steward makes its greatest impact by helping you manage your today and tomorrow expenses.

"Account management will tell you whether you have the money to buy something. Good Steward will tell you whether you can afford to buy something."

Good Steward provides the most important information needed to get out of debt and stay out of debt. This information is how much you have available to spend before going into debt or increasing debt. This information is your surplus amount. And Good Steward provides this information in a very user-friendly manner. When unexpected expenses are spent from the surplus amount, all expected expenses are fully funded. If you ever spend too much because you do not know how much you have to spend, Good Steward will help bring this to an end. If you should spend more than the amount available to spend, Good Steward tells you how much money it will take to get back on track, and approximately how long it will take. Good Steward helps bring peace in your finances before eliminating all debt.

More money is not the answer to living debt free. Living debt free requires that you effectively manage the money you have. The wealth you shall have attained in the future will be determined by how well you manage your finances today. Good Steward Financial Management Application is the most user-friendly financial management software program designed for debt-free living. Good Steward defines debt-free as always having the funds for your spending plan. No longer do you have to wait until the end of the month to determine how much you have available to spend. No longer do you need to revise your budget or spending plan every month. A spending plan will help create a vision of victory in your finances. To implement a plan, you must declare that you will become a doer of the plan. What good is a spending plan, if you do not have an easy way of knowing that you are living within the plan? By knowing your surplus amount, you will know whether you are living within your spending plan.

Good Steward has all the basic features of a financial management software program:
  • Calculate exact account balances.
  • Balance your checkbook.
  • Reconcile your account balances with your financial institutions.
  • Track your spending.
  • Tag your expenditures as either taxable or non-taxable, to make sure that you claim everything you're entitled to claim.
  • Create a budget or spending plan. Give every dollar a purpose every year at the beginning of the year.
  • And many more...
More importantly, Good Steward has the added benefit of teaching the fundamentals of personal financial management. Good Steward is not the ordinary account management software. Prior knowledge of understanding how to interpret financial charts and graphs is not required. Good Steward simplifies financial management to the point of ending your financial frustrations. Good Steward is highly customizable. You can include your own pictures. You can include your own messages. You can choose your own foreground and background colors.

Good Steward allows you to have a surplus and a large debt at the same time. This is possible because you can exclude any loan from the surplus computation. Such debts may be a mortgage loan, a student loan, or an automobile loan. These large debts are normally excluded because they are usually included as payments in the spending plan.

The key to living financially free is to put God first in the following ways: Decide what you want to do with your finances. Make a plan to accomplish the tasks. And do not allow the unexpected expenses cause you to mismanage your finances along the way. Good Steward fulfills all these requirements by providing a true surplus or debt amount. When unexpected expenses are spent from the surplus amount, all expected expenses are fully funded. Good Steward also projects the future surplus or debt amount.

The information entered in Good Steward is not limited to its use in Good Steward. The information can be exported and imported into spreadsheet applications. Good Steward can also be used as a debt-free business financial management tool.

You may be familiar with the after-the-fact budget reconciliation process. This means that you do not know how much you have available to spend until it is too late. Good Steward does not use the after-the-fact budget reconciliation process. Budget reconciliation is done automatically based on your initial settings, which can be modified at any time. This means you can enter the transactions for your planned expenses in advance, or delay entry of the transactions for your planned expenses, and still know how much you have available to spend. Spend less time tweaking your budget, and more time doing the things that you enjoy the most. Good Steward does the work. All you do is enter the data.

If you need to check your cash flow for the next month to determine whether you can make a purchase today, you are probably living paycheck-to-paycheck. Don't let those unexpected expenses cause you to mismanage your finances. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and stay out of debt while doing it. Move beyond mere account management to true financial management. Don't just know where your money is going. Tell your money where you want it to go. Good Steward takes the guesswork out of spending and brings consistency back into financial management. Bankruptcy is not your future when debt is not your present. No more debt problems with Good Steward as your management tool. YOU CAN LIVE DEBT FREE. Begin walking in your financial peace.

If you have plans for your finances, then you need a financial management tool that will help you fulfill those plans. If you have income, expenses, and a computer using Microsoft's Window Operating System, then you need Good Steward. Living debt-free is the way God intended us to live. Good Steward Financial Management Application is the personal financial management tool designed with this intention in mind. You can give more cheerfully and freely when you do not have the burden of debt resting on your shoulders.

"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
  Proverbs 22:7   The Holy Bible, New International Version
Learn the fundamentals of personal financial management while using Good Steward.

A full demonstration application is available on compact disk. It may be requested free with the purchase of Good Steward release version or purchased separately. Click here to purchase.

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